When you are visiting Japan, you may want to visit your friend or relatives.
Here are many tips before you visit the house.
You may have some supplies.

If your friend says she/he is living at a mansion,
There is no private swimming pool, private tennis court, etc.
you need to think that it means hierarchy apartment/condominium
Anyhow, we call this building as a mansion.
You can’t expect they have a private swimming pool!
Restroom (bathroom, lavatory )
Here is an explanation of the Japanese restroom.
There are two types of stool in Japan.
An old Japanese type

This is an old Japanese type.
My kid calls it a slipper toilet. There is no seat on the bowl. You need to bend your knee as deep as possible. Then try to do your best. Another is the type which you are familiar with. Anyhow, we call it a “Western Style Toilet”. You may see the following sign in the public toilet. When you visit a Japanese house, an old house may have only an old Japanese style stool “Minshuku”, kind of inexpensive family-operated lodge at private house normally does have only Japanese style stool
You had better ask them if they have a Western-style toilet on a reservation
an new Japanese type

Many new houses have “Western-style toilets”.
High trechnology Toilet!

This is a new scary button for a foreigner.
This is an example of its control panel.
Flush, Bidet, Blow Dryer, Bottom Washer are operated by Button.
Do you know which one is which?
The left button is “STOP”. Remember it!
Removing shoes
In Japan, there is a custom to remove the shoes
when you enter the entrance.
There is a step in the entrance hall.
Please take off your shoes before stepping up.
Check socks with no hole
If you have a chance to take off your shoes to visit your friend’s house, your sock may have a hole.

Please check your socks before you go out of your hotel.
Watch you head!!!!

If you are tall, you had better watch your head always.
Since normal Japanese is not so tall,
doors in everywhere are designed for short Japanese.
You may hit your head hard.
Especially inside of the house.
Taking shower

There are two “don’t”s regarding the bath.
Do not drain the hot water after your usage!
Do not wash your body in the tub.
Japanese bath has a deep bathtub and washing space.
You can dip your body in it.
We share the same hot water for a night.
So please wash your body and legs before getting into the hot tub.
Wash your body in the washing space.
They may not equip the shower.
In that case, use a Faucet to bowl.

How to eat rice with a Chawan

Chawan is a bowl for rice.
Normally we hold this bowl always on the left hand.
Rice is sticky but still difficult to bring to your mouth.
So hold your chawan just in front of your mouth and bring it.
You already have seen the chopsticks somewhere. It is one of the prestigious status symbols to manipulate the chopsticks very well. Please refer to the following pictures and seem to be an intelligent person.

Click here for “How to use chopsticks?”
Do you like to put on a pair of mules?

The rooms aren’t heated sometimes.
We put a pair of scuffles on our feet to keep our feet warm.
We normally offer the guests to put them on.
If you are not used to putting them on, you can tell them you don’t like them.
Just your socks become dirty.
You could save your life to avoid slipping down on your head.
Or you could keep your face to avoid kicking off your scuffles.
Sleeping in Japanese house

Tatami is a mattress made of strows.
You can see the Tatami matres.
Many Japanese are now using a bed to sleep.
But Futon is still popular to sleep instead of a bed.
Futon is spread to Tatami directly.
When you stay at Minshuku, you will see this.
Recently many people buy Futon matres but it is a completely different item.